The Customer Isn’t Always Right

Last year, a new client requested a bid for me to build a new website for their HOA community. Upfront the customer requested a 3-year guarantee on pricing, which I was happy to offer. Then the customer proceeded to line-by-line (practically) request changes to both my standard contract and that of my subcontractor who provides technical support. In six years of doing business, I’ve never had a customer tear apart my contracts with (largely) unnecessary changes and additional requests. I was not happy.

Like any reasonable business person, I decided to take a deep breath and analyze their numerous demands to determine if my standard contract was not specific enough or needed more clarification. While there were one or two changes I could have made to the contract to satisfy their requests, overall the changes were unnecessary, time consuming and frankly, not worth my time. So I did the unimaginable – I withdrew my bid. And breathed a sigh of relief.

Two things became apparent to me in a world where “the customer is always right” has ruled for many years. First, the client hadn’t researched what they were asking for or what the costs to do the work typically run. And second, the client was actually standing in their own way of getting a great price on a great product. I work hard to provide a timely and unique written product for each of my clients and I’m willing to work with them to explain what I do and set the right expectations. But if a client arrives with their own set of rules, sometimes it’s smarter to walk away from problems before they start. I love what I do and I’m fortunate I can work with people who make my “job” worthwhile and fun.

If you’ve got a project you’d like help with – a website, a newsletter, a blog – and want to start a conversation about it, email me at [email protected] . I promise I don’t bite and I will write something expressly for you!

~ Kim